Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering and Academician of Australian Academy of Technology and Engineering Michael Hood visits Chang'an University

Date:2023-11-16Resource:auhtor:number of clicks:10

On November 16, Michael Hood, Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering and Academician of Australian Academy of Technology and Engineering, as well as arepresentative of the University of Queensland visited Chang'an University. Vice President Fan Wen met with the guests in the meeting room of Beichen Building on Weishui Campus.


Vice President Fan Wen Met with Professor Michael Hood and His Delegation

Vice President Fan Wen welcomed the visit of Professor Michael Hood. He briefly introduced the basic situation and international exchanges and cooperation of Chang'an University, focusing on the construction of CHD. He pointed out that over the years, Chang'an University has always insisted on internationalization of education, and has continuously taken advantage of the characteristics of its disciplines to cultivate a large number of high-level engineering and technical management talents. He said that CHD has been committed to international development and attaches great importance to the cooperation with Australia's top well-known universities. He hoped to take Professor Michael Hood’s visit as an opportunity and conduct substantial cooperation between the two universities on thejoint cultivation of talents, mutual visits of teachers, and cooperative scientific research, especially in cooperative education projects or institutions.

Professor Michael Hood expressed his gratitude for the warm reception and briefly introduced the basic situation of the University of Queensland. He pointed out that through this visit, he learned that Chang'an University is a high-level university with distinctive academic characteristics, strong educational strength and excellent social services. He stressed that the University of Queensland is willing to carry out a comprehensive cooperation and conduct multi-level joint student cultivation and scientific research cooperation. He hoped that through the in-depth exchanges between teachers and students, the two universities could advance their collaboration in multiple fields and establish a closer cooperative relationship. 

Both parties have conducted in-depth discussions and reached a consensus on student joint training and collaborative research.


The Meeting

The heads from Office of the International Cooperation and Exchange, School of Construction Machinery, School of Geological Engineering and Geomatics, School of Earth Science and Resources and School of Materials Science and Engineering accompanied the meeting.